Single Life is better with a network of like-minded friends
Make connections through shared experiences
Single Life is better with a network of like-minded friends
Make connections through shared experiences
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The Date in the Diary Story
Hello. I’m Lisa, founder of Date in the Diary. You never dream you will end up a mid-life divorcee and single again! That was me, out of the blue in 2018! I was lucky to have an amazing group of friends and a good social life, but when my kids weren’t around, sometimes I just craved to get out and do something but there wasn’t always someone to do that with!

Director & Event Host
More about Lisa
I’m the Founder and Director of Date in the Diary. You have hopefully read my story of how and why I set Date in the Diary up. I absolutely love running this business and feel we have something very unique and special.
Events Host
More about Ali
Hi, I’m Ali, 45, in the middle of a lengthy divorce, mum of three, living near Godalming. I’ve been a single mum for nearly nine years.
Events Host
More about Fiona
I’m Fi, a PT instructor and mum of two older daughters, 27 and 20. I live in Marlborough, Wiltshire and I have been single for a year after a 5 year relationship.
Want to become a Date In The Diary event host in your area?
We are looking to grow Date in the Diary into new areas, and we cannot do this without the help of amazing single people who feel as passionate as we do about wanting to connect single through fun, friends and adventures.
If you are an outgoing ‘people person’ who is good at organising events and looking to have some fun doing this, then let’s chat! Just email Lisa at